Kitchen Manifesto - **Free Printable**

Kitchen Manifesto - **Free Printable**


Print out The Wandering Hearth Kitchen Manifesto to put on your fridge or in a kitchen cupboard to remind you of our guiding kitchen principles:

1. We love people by cooking them delicious food.

2. We know that food isn't good or bad, but food is just food.

3. We know that eating real food from local sources is best. 

4. We believe a tasty meal served with kindness and love can change lives.

5. We encourage children to have a healthy understanding of food and the nourishment it provides.

6. We welcome all people and cuisines at our table.

7. We do not live by food rules or trendy diets.

8. We meal plan to make time in the kitchen more enjoyable

9. We only meal plan what makes sense and creates more margin in our lives for our people.

10. We are grateful for the abundance of food we have and help those who are hungry.

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A Kitchen Manfesto to guide your time in the kitchen so it is fun, creative, and simple to create more margin to be with your people. Prints out to 5 x 7 format.

This is a digital download product. You will receive a secure link to download the printable immediately after purchasing. A secure link will be sent to your e-mail as well and will expire 24 hours after purchase.