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Savory Fall Risotto

Savory Fall Risotto

Bold fall flavors served up in a savory risotto.


Most of my life has been governed by the academic school year. Perhaps that is why Fall feels like the start of a new year to me. So even though it's a bit backwards, when October rolls in and the leaves start to change colors, I find myself savoring the anticipation of a new beginning.

This is also the time of year I return to my stove after relying on the grill and InstantPot to get through the sultry months of summer. (Girl don't like to sweat in her kitchen!) And one of my favorite autumn staples is risotto. You can dress it up or keep it simple. Mushrooms, peas, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red peppers, pumpkin, butternut squash... Pick your vegetable and it will shine in a creamy bowl of savory risotto! (Ok, maybe not jicama or turnips.) You can make meaty risottos but since we're trying to eat more veggies and less meat, I typically will only add pancetta. You may find all the "stirring" of risotto disagreeable but my Enneagram 1 personality has found it to be a therapeutic and relaxing time to commune and reflect in my kitchen... especially when paired with a glass of wine.

To usher in October, I made my favorite risotto recipe which happens to be the first I ever tried and appropriately bright orange for Fall. Butternut squash shines in this recipe from Ina Garten, one of my all time cooking gurus. After a few fails, Ina's tips helped me master risotto in just a few minutes (thank you, Food Network!).

Welcome back into my kitchen bright orange squash, savory risotto, and roasted veggies!



#KitchenAcumen Tips:

  • Saffron is surprisingly affordable at Trader Joe's - I don't really measure but I find that a TJ bottle can last me 2-3 risottos (depending on how strong I want the flavor or how long I want it to last); since I almost always make vegetarian risotto it's still an affordable dinner with the saffron

  • If adding wine, use the same bottle you'll pair with dinner (Maybe buy two: one for cooking and sipping while stirring -don't forget a glass for the guests/spouse to enjoy while you stir- and a second for serving if it's a formal affair.)

  • Fancy it up by sprinkling some Maldon sea salt flakes on at the end

  • Ina's 100% right that homemade stock makes a huge difference and the InstantPot makes this super achievable

  • It is a lot of stirring, so keep the side easy. I opt for roasted veggies because the oven's already on from roasting the squash and I can prep both together. Roasted broccoli: Toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic and roast at 425 for 22 minutes

