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7 Organizations Fighting Hunger

7 Organizations Fighting Hunger

Let us not lose sight of the “giving” part

Let us never forget that while we have an abundance of food, there are so many in this World who are hungry. And we can do something to help. At the Wandering Hearth, we are grateful for the abundance of food that we have and we help those who are hungry. Keep reading for tips on helping those who are hungry this holiday season.

Post by Gwendolyn Smith, founder of The Wandering Hearth.

Post by Gwendolyn Smith, founder of The Wandering Hearth.

Early on in the pandemic there was an outpouring of resources to local food banks and charities. And now it’s November. The strain from economic hardship has continued and many people are in need. Simultaneously, the stock at food banks is running low. Philabundance, serving hungry people in the greater Philadelphia region, reports that 40% of people seeking food this Fall are doing so for the first time. May I encourage you this Thanksgiving to help those in your community, or around the world, who are hungry.

Plan to Give

In the Thanksgiving 2020 Planner, you are encouraged to spend time thinking about and planning how you can be intentional about giving back. Many people mean to be charitable but they don’t plan for it. Remember when Giving Tuesday first started? Was I the only one wondering why it followed Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday? After all those sales what’s left in your budget? In order to give, be intentional and plan ahead. If saving a donation for the holiday season, set it aside.

Another fun idea is to plan holiday gift baskets that incorporate a donation. If you’re stuck trying to figure out what to give the sibling, friend, or parent who has everything why not get them a gift basket with consumables and a donation to a charity they would appreciate? Check out the Foodie Gift Guide 2020 for how to do this and for four specific gift basket ideas for the movie buff, coffee lover, outdoorsy, and wine lover in your life.

Give What You Can

Don’t underestimate how you can help. Food deserts are everywhere. Did you know that there are millions of people in America who face hunger and food insecurity? Millions! In 2019, pre-COVID, 35 million people struggled with it in 2019. Learn more here, but please acknowledge that there are hungry people in your own community. Now I’m not saying this to make you feel bad about eating good food, or to cause you guilt about how stocked your pantry may be. Rather, I say this as an encouragement for you to give what you can.

For some people what they can give is time, for others it is money. Both help. Take care of your family and responsibilities first and then, where you can, give back. Giving abundantly varies tremendously from person to person. Do what you can.

Give to Reputable Causes

Sometimes it can be hard to know where to donate. It can be hard to know who to support when everyone is clamoring for our charitable donations from Facebook fundraisers to Go Fund Me campaigns. To start, I’ve shared a list of seven reputable organizations working to stem hunger around the world below, plus another three for those of you in the Philadelphis region.

Additionally, you can check an organization’s reputation at Charity Watch and Charity Navigator before deciding where to donate. These organization can help you to give confidently. Do a little research to narrow down your choices and be an informed giver. When you make a sacrifice and give to a charity, you want to make sure your money is being used well.

7 Reputable Charities Fighting Hunger

In no particular order, here are seven reputable organizations fighting hunger:

Action Against Hunger - a charity focused on malnourished children around the world.

Bread for the World Institute - in addition to helping with hunger in communities around the world, Bread for the World seeks to change policy and legislation to end hunger in our time.

Feeding America - this organization provides a network to help charities fighting hunger across the United States. Use their website to find a local food bank or donate to the broader cause where they support a network of 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries across the United States.

Meals on Wheels - focused on serving America’s seniors and those who are isolated, this meal delivery service is fighting both hunger and loneliness.

No Kid Hungry - focused on childhood hunger in America.

Compassion International - my personal favorite, Compassion International is a faith-based child sponsorship charity that invests in the community where your sponsored child lives. They also work to fight hunger and provide a better quality of life to families living in poverty around the world.

World Vision - a faith-based child sponsorship charity that also has several active causes to fight hunger and provide clean water in poverty stricken countries.

And if you’re in the Philadelphia Region, first of all … hello neighbor! Here are a few of our many non-profits helping our local communities:

Philabundance - leading the fight against hunger in Philadelphia. Philadbundance is the Delaware Valley’s largest hunger relief organization. They distribute food to 90,000 people weekly in the greater counties of southeastern PA and NJ. And 1/3 of the hungry bellies they fill are those of children.

Episcopal Community Services - ECS has a greater mission of challenging poverty and helping Philadelphians rise out of the poverty cycle. You can help with their Community Cook-Off or support their Community Food Cupboard.

MANNA - MANNA is revolutionizing healthcare with nutrition interventions by harnessing the power of Food is Medicine. You can help make meals, deliver meals, or donate directly.

This Thanksgiving, remember that every little bit helps. My encouragement to you is to start a conversation. Ask your family and friends how they would like to help people who are hungry this Thanksgiving. And then collectively brainstorm how you will give. Make a plan and fill some hungry bellies.

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Are you ready?

Grab your copy of the Thanksgiving Planner to set your holiday mindset, work on practicing gratitude, plan how you’ll give back and map out the day!

Written by Gwendolyn Smith

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