
I’m glad you’re here!

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Inspiring kitchens where our food choices help us to be better people.

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The Joy of Giving

The Joy of Giving

This series wouldn’t be complete with a guest post from Rachel Schelb. Rachel’s simple message of loving others well on purpose has always aligned with the mission of The Wandering Hearth and I’m so grateful to count her as one of my “internet friends.” To wrap up this year’s holiday series, Rachel shares how joy can be as simple as a Christmas cookie and even more joyful when shared with others. ~Gwendolyn

The Joy of Christmas Cookies ~ Special Guest post by Rachel Schelb

I always wanted an Easy Bake Oven. The idea of baking my own cakes and brownies as a small child seemed positively dreamy! Unfortunately, or fortunately as we’ll see, I never got one. Instead, my mom told me she would teach me to bake as soon as I could touch the back of the stove without touching the burners. (Safety first!) By the time I was about 7 or 8, I was helping in the kitchen regularly. I don’t know what I first learned to bake/cook, but I know pancakes and chocolate chip cookies were some of the first recipes I learned. And these are still some of the things I make most often for my family. I’m grateful now that I never got that Easy Bake Oven and instead learned to actually bake! Cookies became something I enjoyed making and giving to friends, taking to co-workers, and sharing with whoever. In fact, for the past 10 years I’ve had a small cottage industry making custom sugar cookies. Cookies and joy go hand in hand in my world.

Elf Deliveries are a fun, simple way to spread joy to friends, family, and neighbors this holiday season.

When my son was about a year and a half old, I began to think about what Christmas traditions we wanted to implement that would be fun and yet also be a reminder that the holidays are not only about receiving gifts but also loving people well. Of course cookies would play a part in these traditions! This year will be our ninth year of “Elf Deliveries.” Every December our family picks about 5-7 families to give cookies. The list changes every year, but the heart is the same. We don’t announce when we’re coming and simply ring the doorbell. If they’re home, awesome. We will deliver the cookies and chat for a minute or two before going to our next stop. If they’re not home, we take a picture of my kiddos holding the bag of cookies and send it to them letting them know “some elves” dropped goodies off at their door. Our family gets decked out in Santa slippers, reindeer antlers, and sometimes Christmas jammies. We have so  much fun spreading joy through these Elf Deliveries! I’d invite you to join in and do something similar this holiday season!

What we give isn’t as important as the heart behind it. Our desire is to love those around us well and spread joy during the holidays - and everyone can do that.
— Rachel Schelb

You don’t have to be especially gifted in the kitchen to join in with Elf Deliveries. Dipping pretzel rods or Oreos in chocolate is an easy treat. Making Puppy Chow or Zesty Cheez-its are also easy treats that don’t require baking. As we tell our kids as we carry out this annual tradition, what we give isn’t as important as the heart behind it. Our desire is to love those around us well and spread joy during the holidays - and everyone can do that.

It doesn’t have to be complicated, feel free to make a simple or pre-mixed cookie. The point is getting the family involved and focused on giving to others this holiday season.

Baking can be a lot of work. Even though I enjoy it, not everyone loves sweating in the kitchen and dirtying all the dishes. However, have you ever received baked treats and not felt at least the slightest thrill that someone took the time to make you something yummy? I’d wager not. I think the thing that makes receiving baked treats so special isn’t how the items taste (though that’s a plus). Rather, it’s knowing that the giver spent time, effort and thought into those cookies. When we bake with a joyful heart, excited to share love through those cookies or treats, we can know that the joy will be passed on each and every time! 

Below I’ve included a couple of my favorite recipes to use in Elf Deliveries. They are the recipes I remember from my childhood and the ones that I make every single year, without fail. You can find some additional holiday treat ideas in my “Recipes” highlight on my Instagram page. I hope that you will try to make some of them yourself. Include your kiddos. Embrace the mess. Spread holiday joy through cookies and treats this year!

Get the recipe: Molasses Cookies


Ginger Krinkles

Makes 2 Dozen

3/4 cup shortening

1/4 cup Grandma’s molasses

1 tsp baking soda

2 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup white sugar

1 egg, slightly beaten

1/2 tsp ground cloves

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp ginger

3 tbsp white sugar, for rolling cookies

Preheat oven to 375. Melt shortening in a saucepan. Cool slightly and add to the sugar, molasses, and egg mixing well. Add the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Chill the dough in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, or covered overnight. Roll into 1” balls and roll into the sugar. Bake on an ungreased baking sheet for 9-10 minutes, until the tops are cracking. Cool completely.

“All The Things” Cookies

Makes 2 Dozen

1 1/2 cup white sugar

1 cup (2 sticks) butter

2 large eggs

1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

2 cup all-purpose flour

2/3 cup cocoa powder

3/4 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

3/4 cup chocolate chips (or M&Ms)

1/2 cup peanut butter chips

1/4 cup chopped nuts

1/2 cup butterscotch (or toffee) chips 

Preheat oven to 350. Grease the baking sheet with non-stick spray. Beat the sugar and butter until fluffy and add in the eggs and vanilla. In a separate bowl add in the flour, baking soda, cocoa powder, and salt. Add to the butter mixture and stir until just combined. Add in the chips and nuts and fold until blended. Drop by spoonfuls onto the baking sheet(s) and bake for 8-10 minutes, until the edges are set. Cool completely.

Rachel Schelb

Rachel Schelb is a podcaster and writer in Tampa, FL. Her weekly podcast, Love Well on Purpose, can be found on every platform and provides tips and encouragement to live intentionally and love well. Additionally, Rachel is passionate about encouraging grief supporters to love their grieving friends and loved ones well. You can find out more about Rachel on her website and be sure to follow her on @RachelSchelb.

The Joy of Gathering

The Joy of Gathering